The memory when I started to pack all my stuffs and move to Malaysia in 2007 still so fresh in mind. 4 years plus have passed, and here I am in end of 2011, back to my hometown Medan, starting my career.
THANK YOU Lord Jesus, I have completed my Bachelor Degree in Hospitality and Tourism without any failed. I believe without His Grace, I wouldn’t pass everything in time.
THANK YOU to all my beloved family and friends. Especially my dearest Super Hero, MOM. Many things happened. This blog wouldn’t enough for me to write down all my stories. But one thing, I appreciate all the lesson of life I got from Malaysia. This is the reason why I wanted to share my 3 years lesson program in Malaysia.
Not only about my Taylor’s University –School of Hospitality and Tourism,
but also My Father Lord – School of Life. ;)
I won’t tell a grandmother’s story here.
I’ll just try to KISS (Keep It Sweet and Simple).
THANK YOU Lord Jesus, I have completed my Bachelor Degree in Hospitality and Tourism without any failed. I believe without His Grace, I wouldn’t pass everything in time.
THANK YOU to all my beloved family and friends. Especially my dearest Super Hero, MOM. Many things happened. This blog wouldn’t enough for me to write down all my stories. But one thing, I appreciate all the lesson of life I got from Malaysia. This is the reason why I wanted to share my 3 years lesson program in Malaysia.
Not only about my Taylor’s University –School of Hospitality and Tourism,
but also My Father Lord – School of Life. ;)
I won’t tell a grandmother’s story here.
I’ll just try to KISS (Keep It Sweet and Simple).
I asked for a Single Room from Taylor's, but by the time when I reached there, I got a Master Room with the reason of no any other room available, and I'd to share my room with a Korean girl. Her name is Lee Bora / Nia (English Nick Name). She's lovely and we got a long well together. But staying under college is super expensive. So after 6 months, I found my way to move out with my group mate to a much cheaper apartment and had my own sweetie Single Room. And my dearly ex-roommate planned to move with her Korean group friends as well.
Me and Lee Bora (Nia)
This is one of the practical classes. KITCHEN. Owh I love to cook. I enjoyed Kitchen Class so much. We did have Pastry Class. I prefer PASTRY for sure! How I love the fresh baked from oven cakes smell. But well, I won't choose this as part of my future career. That's why in the 2nd year I choose Management major. Many reasons to support my choice. One of them is all the cooking equipments and utensils are really heavy for me, and I even have to ask for help to work out.
Well, I guess my tiny body size is the main reason.
Well, I guess my tiny body size is the main reason.
Me and Raymond (my housemate and group mate)
This is the potato and vegetables cutting we learned in the first class. Tee Hee..
Comes to the Restaurant Class. We should serve the guests. Anyway, we serve in France Cuisine - Fine Dining Restaurant. A lot of sequences we have to follow. Gosh.. At first it was a silly thing. I was so nervous in my first serving time. I did a lot of mistakes and I even feel shacking when I introduced the menu of the day. I was a silly clumsy girl years ago, yeah I admit it. I was afraid of many things, including doing mistakes. But hey.. Mistakes happens, I should learn from them. But look at me now, I even could tell a fairy tale stories to the guests if they wanted to.

My Classmates and Ms. Mun Yee (favorite lecturer)

Me and Diana (my housemate and group mate)
Me and Raymond
Here we go to Housekeeping Class. Nothing much, just learn to make up the hotel room. I'm quite expert on it. Woo Hoo..
Me and the full team of housemate
Lastly, Front Office Class. So here we learned how to be a professional in the front line and give the best service to the guest. There are lots of classes I went through, but here are just some memorable pieces.

So.. Besides study I was also busy with Part Time Job. Waiter in wedding banquet, cafe, etc. Anyway, this's my 1st office job as Sales Staff for 5 months in
Streamyx company.
Streamyx company.
My first BIRTHDAY BLAST in Malaysia (19th Years Old)
Little Surprise from College Mate
Special Guest; One of my best friends from Medan came, Erick Sucipto!
Dinner at The Manhattan Fish Market on the day after the blast
Dinner at Sawasdee Restaurant with housemates - Special blast from MOM
I was so touched and I cried, I missed her too much, I miss home, but I keep it all to myself cos I wanna be independent. B)
I participated in Malaysian class (I was the only Indonesian that willing to attend that class). Some think it's stupid n wasting time. But I really enjoyed that time. I learned more bout Malaysia culture and history. At the end we had Art Painting Activity as well. FUN!
I participated in Malaysian class (I was the only Indonesian that willing to attend that class). Some think it's stupid n wasting time. But I really enjoyed that time. I learned more bout Malaysia culture and history. At the end we had Art Painting Activity as well. FUN!

And I also worked as a part timer for F1. It was an unforgettable moment!

Here we are in Nexus Resort Karambunai Sabah! I stayed here for 6 months to worked as an Operation & Management Trainee. It's a superb resort with a beautiful beach. Google it if you want to know more. Hehe.. From the city (Kota Kinabalu), we can go to other little islands by ferry in just 10 - 15 minutes time.
I had LOTS of fun and experiences ~ ;)

After completed Diploma, there were some changes.. Since not everyone is going to continue the Bachelor Degree in Taylor's. Shortly, I moved to a new apartment with some girls. And Taa Daa..! This's my sweetie roommate: Ervina Tandean!
And yes we were in the same class too.
So we eat, sleep, study, laugh, cry, argue, and go crazy together just like sisters! :D

Just nice on my 21st birthday, we (three of us) had a shooting! That was my very first time to be in the television. Woo Hoo.. My mom should be very proud. Hihi.. We were selected to be the players in the Game Show. Something like Fear Factor, but this game called Whacked It in Malaysia TV Show - 8TV Channel.
Owh it was so exciting.. Good $ and Good Prizes! :p
I really got a BLAST and they even celebrate my birthday after the shooting

That was his very first time on doing this too, but he's talented.
He made some really good shot! Bravo mate!

I spent lots of time for church and charity activities. We have kinda like youth community in church. There are really lots to share about it. And I don't know where to start. All I wanted to say is just I'm so blessed to be with them.
Special thanks to Ps. Eddy Chang, Pastor of FGCC Church,
my great mentor Ms. Fanggy Theresia, and everyone in there.
All of you are special!
FGCC & [Rendez-Vous] rocks!
Special thanks to Ps. Eddy Chang, Pastor of FGCC Church,
my great mentor Ms. Fanggy Theresia, and everyone in there.
All of you are special!
FGCC & [Rendez-Vous] rocks!

Dancing Activities

The last stop for working place in Malaysia; Versatrend. I worked here as an Event Management Trainee for 5 months. Marketing, Promotion.. and one thing that I'll never forget about this company: Chicken Dance!
Yeah we used to go to schools for promotion and do the Chicken Dance! Hihi..
Yeah we used to go to schools for promotion and do the Chicken Dance! Hihi..

Well.. Not forgetting to share the last sweet little things. :)
Dear someone out there, you know all the moments I spend with you are the moments I treasure. However.. I'm so grateful to know you..
I want to THANK YOU for everything. You have been so helpful..
Everything happens for a reason. We keep learning and growing in life.
I wish u all the best buddy ~

La License Professionelle Hotellerie Et Tourisme

Thank You & Cheers!